02 Jun 2021

Staged v candid: the different variations of preschool photography in Sydney

When preschool photography in Sydney is conducted, it is done so in either of two ways. They are either staged or taken candidly. Whilst the general preference is towards receiving a candid portfolio of images, there are benefits to taking photographs in both ways. Our well-informed preschool photographers can explain how.

Staged preschool photoshoots are less flexible and can be difficult to get right if the child is not in the mood. Yet, with the right experience and personable skills the perfect staged photographs can be taken. A staged preschool photoshoot can be better than a candid photoshoot because it is undertaken in a controlled environment. Photographers will have an easier time conducting these photoshoots because they will already have an idea of how the final product ought to look like, instead of having to go in blind. Moreover, a staged photoshoot will display more clarity and a greater focus on a child’s face than a candid photo ever will.

Candid photographs, on the other hand, are better in bringing out the positive emotions in children. They’re expressions will be more genuine because they have the control in the photoshoot to do as they please. If you want your kids to be comfortable, in their element, displaying their true personalities then a candid photoshoot may be the better choice.

Keep checking our news page for more insights by our preschool photographers in Sydney.